The Chairs of the HAG congratulate the HTA Coordination Group on its progress

On 28 November 2022, the HTA Coordination Group (HTACG) elected its chair and co-chairs.[1] The Chairs of the Heads of HTA Agencies Group (HAG) sends its congratulations to the HTACG, its Secretariat and the elected chairs on this important milestone. The HAG’s mission includes the commitment to complement the processes and developments of the HTACG and to support the implementation of the HTA Regulation within national settings. In light of this, and based on the shared membership of many HTA agencies in both the HTACG and HAG, we are looking forward to a fruitful and efficient collaboration between our two organisations.

Chairs of the Heads of HTA Agencies Group

Prof. Rui Santos Ivo, INFARMED

Prof. Dominique Le Guludec

[1] Click here for more information about the HTACG meeting on 28 November 2022.